Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reminder - Reunion Deposits are Due

Hello Classmates,

First, let me say "thank you" for all the love and support in regards to our first reunion after 19 years of graduating from high school. This reunion is our kickoff to our 20th reunion in 2011.

We have less than 2 weeks left before the deposit of $30.00 is due. Please support our reunion by making your deposit on time. The money will help secure our location for the picnic at Kennedy Park very early!

Please look to the right of the blog and click on the pay pal link and follow the directions. Once you make a payment I will receive an email and I will forward you a receipt of payment.

Again, thank you for allowing me and the committee to serve you. I promise you, you will be happy.


Chandra B. Fussell, Your Sr. Class President

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